Posts Tagged ‘Infusion Soft’

Infusion Soft is now InfusionSoft by Keap

Thursday, September 26th, 2019

Infusion Soft was founded in 2001 and in 2004 they wrote their script to automate sales lead which was large milestone for infusion soft to become one of the leading CRM in digital marketing industry, with development infusionsoft added many modules in infusionsoft CRM to help businesses to have more control over their sale processes, these modules are as follow

Infusionsoft CRM module

In this module we can manage contacts, companies, referral partner and visitors, this is where we can design complete tagging structure and based on these tags we can search and create different lists to distinguish contacts and leads within infusionsoft CRM module.

InfusionSoft Marketing Module

In InfusionSoft marketing module we can create campaigns, send email broadcasts, create interactive email template, lead generation and reporting. In infusionsoft email campaign we can create autoresponders, drip campaigns, can create signup forms. Then these campaigns are used to send different offer, new products or news letters to contacts in the CRM. Also, we can design custom email templates that we can use in our campaigns.

Infusionsoft E-Commerce Module

In E-commerce module of Infusion soft we can either create a complete cart system or we can just create single order form that we can use to integrate within our email campaign with buy now button or on the landing page with link to cart to order form. There are several payment gateway options infusionsoft offers like PayPal and

InfusionSoft Admin Module

In this module admin of the user can create, delete or update users, and can set their permissions to limit their access on different module.

In 2019, infusionsoft announced their rebranding and new band name is Keap, after this announcement all social media channels for infusionsoft changed their page’s name to Keap. Keap administrators still access their application on the infusionsoft main domain name as they were doing before, no change there so far. Modules in infusionsoft are still same there is no major change there after rebranding.

Keap CRM Consultant and Experts

Keap CRM consultant and experts are observing rebranding very closely and in Keap CRM community this is hot topic these days, specially Keap API developers are taking this rebranding very importantly as they have developed many aplications with Keap API, any new addition in the CRM in coming days can get Keap API developer’s attention, and they can also expect to have more control over the Keap API which is now available right now.


InfusionSoft by Keap CRM is rebranded, from functionality point of view and from API documentation things are same as before, but Keap CRM support need to improve more with this new branding because Keap support improvement can make a major positive impact on this new brand. Keap Consulting firms, API developer, and Keap virtual assistant or Keap administrator and users will be happy with this new branding if they will have more improved customer support from Keap CRM to resolve their issues they are facing in InfusionSoft by Keap portal.