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When A Business Owner Should Hire Virtual Assistant

Thursday, September 26th, 2019

Hiring a virtual assistant for businesses process outsourcing is an excellent step in many ways, you don’t need to buy a physical office, you don’t need stationary, laptops, internet connections, and on top of everything by hiring a virtual assistant you can utilize virtual assistants services only for the tasks you don’t have time for and can pay only for the hours utilized by virtual assistants to complete that task, and then these virtual assistants cost much low as compare to hire an employee within company.

Beside these benefits, question rises that when is a good time to hire a virtual assistant?

In today’s online business grown rate, business owners who wants to run their business online, they immediately need several type of services for their business to run online, first of all they will need a designer and a developer to design and develop his online ecommerce website, or even before this he might need to get a marketing research done to know scope of his business on the internet and he will need assistant and he will go find some virtual assistant companies online who have virtual assistants with marketing research experience for launching products online and they can conduct this research for business owners. so even a new business who is going online will immediate needs virtual assistant services.

But, we have seen some of the companies still prefer to hire in-house employees instead of outsourcing their processes and there can be many reasons, like in Scandinavian countries like Norway and Sweden you can’t transmit your company’s data outside your country, even a business owner can’t use hosting outside their country to host a website and hiring a virtual assistant is totally out of question, but we will focus on the business who can outsource their processes, for a medium size company good time to hire a virtual assistant company is, when they have their development team generating good business and non-dynamic tasks like data entry in bookkeeping, data mining, data scrapping, customers support, website maintenance, and many other static tasks should be outsourced to these virtual assistant companies immediately, because it will not only cost them cheap in terms of per hour rate, but setup cost and regular office expenses will be zero that will require to maintain in-house employees.

Many companies, have adopted this practice as a way to increase their profit margins by reducing these office expenses and by hiring low per hour cost virtual assistants. Next question that usually comes in mind that which companies is best at providing virtual assistant services, there are several parameters to identify the best company. You can go to and can search for that company. It will show you their domain’s age, that for how many years this company is in business, more years means the management of the company have more experience in this industry and also you can ask them to send your virtual assistant CV for your review, and a good virtual assistant service providing company must have Master degree holder virtual Assistant with at least 2 years of experience as virtual assistant.

You can also Visit Kaya Systems Virtual Assistants Services page to know more about different services offered by virtual assistant companies

Why is it important to have well trained and creative graphic designer?

Thursday, September 26th, 2019

Why is it important to have well trained and creative graphic designer?

In the world of today where visuals are everything, you need to make sure that the depiction of your business is absolutely great. The world is growing so fast every day that only strong online visibility can lead to great physical business. When talking about graphics, it is normally divided into conventional graphics and digital graphic designing to promote the business. Though the online visibility is of more value now but graphics play a significant role in both types of marketing. People are always in rush and to make them choose you, high quality graphics play enormous role because it is super hard to seek the attention of the targeted audience due to the competition scale.

Kaya Systems have always been eager to provide high quality and well-defined services as an outsourcing company. It has been more than a decade that it is maintaining its image among the world of business from small to multi-national companies. There is a huge list of services we gave managed over the years to provide to our clients all over the globe form virtual assistant services, content writing, website development and designing, social media services to CRM and digital marketing. We have highly trained graphic designers who are extremely creative to create visual concepts to inform, inspire and transform your business to the other end of target audience.

We use modern and industry leading tools for graphic designing to make sure to that we create the best. We also offer graphic designing services as virtual assistant so that you are at ease. This helps small business to enjoy same level of high quality graphic services as any other businesses are enjoying. From logo as a major representation of business to every flyer sent out or digital representation of business, our graphic designers are great at presenting the best of you.

What graphic designer’s services we provide?

Kaya Systems have been providing a great list of services for more than 10 years now but the major tasks of a graphic designing virtual assistants we have to offer are mentioned below:

  • Designing websites
  • Design images and banners for website/ blog
  • Logo Designing
  • Templates for PDFs
  • Brochures and Flyers
  • Design the images for all type of requirements
  • Editing and improve images
  • EBook
  • Graphic Designing Virtual Assistants is also qualified to Photoshop/ Photo edit photos provided by you.
  • Graphically design email templates
  • Graphic designing for social media accounts such as Display Pictures, Banners, Posts, Pins and Instagram posts, etc.
  • Letter Heads and Business Cards
  • Miscellaneous

If you are looking for high quality graphic designing services, leave your inquiry here.

Virtual Assistants

Thursday, September 26th, 2019

Virtual assistants are skilled people who sell their skills online to companies without physically available there. From simple data entry work to complex business analysis and implementation of complex business processes. virtual assistants are actively providing this wide range of services. Some the core services that virtual assistant companies are providing includes

  1. Data Entry
  2. Research and Analysis
  3. Data Mining and Modeling
  4. Emails and Phone Management
  5. Transcription Services
  6. Back Office Support
  7. Online Event Management
  8. And many more

Hiring a virtual assistant is very wise approach but most importantly hiring correct virtual assistants with required skill set is more important, some people who are individually working as virtual assistant have specific skill sets but when they are asked to work on a domain they are not expert they try get the job and then they learn in real time while working on the tasks and can cause major issues for business. There are few parameters that you can take in to account before hiring virtual assistant so that you get the best skilled person to manage your tasks

  1. Ask for their resume to evaluate their qualification and skills
  2. Do an initial interview and ask questions relevant to your tasks
  3. Ask for a trial period with a trial task before hiring virtual assistant
  4. For personal virtual assistant ask company to sign NDA

Virtual assistance services are best because you got same skill set with low price, different companies offer different rates based on their location, branding and different packages, normally virtual assistant companies have different packages to select from, like 10 hours per month, 20 hours per months to 160 hours per month which is full dedicated resource, as these number of hours increases cost start to decrease. For a fully dedicated resource a good virtual assistant company will charge around $8/hour to $15/hour depends on the skills level you are looking for.

Here is a cost and time chart that you can review to know that how much good a virtual assistant company would charge for virtual assistants

Plan 1 – 10 hours/month will cost around $200/Month
Plan 2 – 20 Hours/Month will cost around $500/Month
Plan 3 – 40 hours/Month will cost $600/Month
Plan 4 – 80 hours/Month will cost around $960/Month
Plan 5 – 160 hours/Month will cost around $1600/Month

These are general rates you can negotiate with companies to see what best prices they can offer. But these guidelines in this article gives you insights on the point you need to consider while hiring virtual assistant

Kaya Systems Virtual Assistant Services

Kaya Systems Inc is actively providing virtual assistant services from last 11 years and have worked on 1000’s of business processes which includes recruitment processes outsourcing, transcription services, data mining and scraping, business research, graphic design, website design and development, you can contact Kaya systems Inc. anytime if you are looking for to hire a virtual assistant which can work parallel with you to achieve your goals.

Migration from Zoho CRM to Infusionsoft By Keap

Thursday, September 26th, 2019

In this article, we will discuss general steps require to migrate from Zoho CRM to Infusionsoft by Keap CRM and if you want to get this migration done we will recommend you strongly to discuss with infusionsoft by keap consultant who have expertise in Zoho CRM as well, so that he can review your current campaigns, packages, tagging structure, roles, contact and lead forms in Zoho in detail and can advise you that how these functionalities will be mapped on your Infusionsoft by Keap (keap CRM).

Before we go in to more details, I will divide this general migration process in to three different stages

  1. Migration of Campaigns
  2. Migration of Tags
  3. Migration of Users/Customers
  4. Migration of Products

Migration of Campaigns from Zoho CRM to Infusionsoft by Keap CRM

In this step, you will need to export all your campaigns that you have in Zoho CRM as backup because once you will leave CRM you will not have option to take anybackup, and you will then need to create all these campaigns again in Infusionsoft by Keap CRM campaigns by following sequences and emails in Zoho CRM, this will be fast process as all the logic for campaigns is already functional and you just need to implement that in Infusionsoft by Keap campaigns. In this step, you will also create all lead/contact forms that you have on Zoho CRM in Infusionsoft campaigns, as in Infusionsoft a webform can be a triggering element to trigger automatic email campaigns. So here in Infusionsoft by keap you can create these forms right away in campaigns

Migration of Tags from Zoho CRM to Keap CRM

Migrating tags is most important element as it defines what is current status of a user and what next steps or campaigns he will follow in a CRM. In Zoho CRM you need to export all your tags in csv file and then you need to login to Infusionsoft by Keap and in Marketing Module you need to download sample excel file that keap provides to users as sample excel file so that you can arrange you tags accordingly and then can import in Infusionsoft by Keap. Now you need to copy all your tags from the csv file you downloaded from Zoho CRM in to sample file you exported from Infusionsoft by Keap, once this is done you can now import all your tags in infusionsoft crm. Make sure you are not changing tag ids so that when you upload user lists they can automatically get associated with correct tags.

Migration of Users/Customers from Zoho to Infusionsoft

Migration of users and customers is almost same as migration of tags, you need to export all users records from zoho crm in to csv file and again in infusionsoft crm you need to export sample file for importing user records in infusionsoft. Copy and paste your user records in exported csv from Zoho to infusionsoft sample file and upload it in infusionsoft crm, make sure you are adding tag id’s column from zoho file to infusionsoft sample file so that these records automatically get connected with their tags

Migration Packages from Zoho CRM to Keap CRM

Similarly, you can export your packages you have created in Zoho to Infusionsoft by keap. But additionally, you will have to setup their costs, subscriptions etc. in infusionsoft, and also you will have to setup your payment details in infusionsoft by keap ecommerce if you wish to use infusionsoft by keap ecommerce functionality.

In Kaya Systems, we have consultants and virtual assistants who have expert level skills in both Zoho and Infusionsoft by Keap CRM, if you are thinking to migrate your CRM from Zoho to Infusionsoft we are here to help you, you can contact us and one of our expert will give you free consultation on your next steps

Role of Tags in Infusionsoft by Keap CRM

Thursday, September 26th, 2019

What is a Tag in CRM? This is very important question for those who wants to use a CRM with thousands of users and customers records. There are different definitions of tag, but here I will define a tag from a CRM’s point of view, in CRMs a Tag and is a flag that we can set against each and a group of people/records in the CRM to identify their current status, source and to trigger a certain campaign or action.

By the definition above, you can see how important is it to create an accurate and correct tagging structure in CRM to control your user’s flow within CRM. In Infusionsoft by Keap CRM, we also need to carefully decide tagging structure and here are steps that we need to follow in order to create an effective tagging structure

Know your processes and their stages

you need to know exactly what process you want to implementing through Infusionsoft CRM, for example a sale automation process can have different stages where if a sale person can be assigned with a task to call prospect, and based on the call result he should be able to move this prospect in second stage, that can be interested, could not connect, reschedule, and this will be done by applying or removing a tag (Rescheduled Tag) to the record. when you will understand your processes completely you will be able to see what tags are required during those processes and at what stage you will need to add/remove tags. An Infusionsoft by Keap expert help businesses to automate these processes in their routine and they have shared several sample tagging structures on different Infusionsoft by keap communities that you can search and use as guidelines to implement yours

Create and Run your Tags

Once you know what tagging structure you need, you can login to your Infusionsoft CRM and you can create those tags, to make those tags more clear and reasonable, you can create different categories for tags and then can create those tags and can assign them relevant tag category.

There are different ways to apply a tag in Infusionsoft which depends on different things like

  1. A new signup through Infusionsoft form
  2. Adding a user to a nurture sequence
  3. Purchased is made
  4. Selling up-sell to customers

Above are some of the many reasons that we need to apply a tag to a user. When someone signup through an Infusionsoft web form there is an option in web form setting that allow us to add a tag to users who will fill out that web form, similarly we can create purchase action set for a specific product to add a tag to customer who will purchase that product through Infusionsoft ecommerce shopping cart indicating that this customer have already purchased this product. And hence we can sell any accessories related to this specific product to this product buyers, by creating an up-sell campaign and adding all customer with that product tag applied.

During these last 10 years of working as Infusionsoft experts, we at Kaya Systems work very closely on these tagging structure to make sure that business owner can have detailed insight of what’s going on in the system and they can make their decisions accordingly.

Properties of high quality of Website Developers/ Web development services

Monday, May 21st, 2018

A website which is a collection of website pages which are interconnected and related to each other which also includes multimedia content and given an identification with a domain name. Those who develop them are website developers. To find a best website developer, we should know what are the qualities which should be encourage and consider in a website:

What is and how is the visual look of the website and how it feels like is the first and foremost element which should be considered in a website. The design of the website should be appealing and should have an aesthetic sense. Visual look also includes a properly designed layout, a regular business identity. The color scheme should be in the proper theme and compatibility. There should be no extra spaces and each space should be used in a logical way.

The preference should always be to make the website easy to use for the viewer and a visitor’s irrespective of the fact that what is the functional complexity of the website. It should have an interface which should be user friendly. The navigation process needs to be spontaneous. Workflow in the website should be task based.

Website is enhanced on the basis of its functionality. This factor gives live to your website which will help you as a booster to your business. Website developers should have an intellectual experience of developing the website and what is your actual business requirement.

Websites should have an administrative quality of updating and ongoing website maintenance. If a website developer is sincerely working for you they will always keep this in mind to develop a system of back end tools to keep you updated with time. It generally includes creation and publishing contents to promote your business, it should have the ability of turning off and on certain functions which is required at that time. A good website has the quality of managing the document that can be in the form of images, files in PDF or any audio/video files. How the rights and permissions are maintained in the website is important as they should be in the access of specific authorities who are reliable for your business and promotion. Dealing with clients, collecting the payments and ordering they should be in control.

Considering the importance of the website development services, Kaya systems are working hard to provide a best website with a perfect design and other benefits. They are providing services at every level of business whether it is small or a big setup. They are among the experts in this field. For more information and for availing the facilities you are welcome to visit their website, Kaya Systems (

How a graphic designer can make your business look professional?

Monday, May 21st, 2018

A graphic designer is a player who blends different elements like motion graphics, illustration, lettering and photography and creates a new thing which is attention seeker and helps you advertise your services and to promote your products. He is the one who opens a new vision and a new market to increase your business.

  • A strong identity of a brand produces a healthy workplace atmosphere. Commitment of the employee to a single organization shows the satisfaction of the employee. In such a situation the role of graphic designer is seen. A graphic designer helps to cultivate a positive identity of the company and brand, which reflects the company vision. It includes everything starting from the company website till the business cards. As a poorly designed website and a logo or a business card which is badly designed can destroy the first impression of the company. And if your customers are not happy with you, how come your employees will be?
  • A graphic designer saves your time and reduces your fatigue as you may find it difficult to manage which format is suitable for your websites images and pictures. How to make a business card which attracts the dealer and your customer? A graphic designer better understands what to provide you and which format should be used to get the best results. Same goes with other things which are your identity. A graphic designer will organize every design and he will add the color scheme which will actually make the things more prominent and attractive. So instead of wasting your time and energy always hire a graphic designer.
  • Limited budget does not mean wasting money by doing the graphic designer work on your own as at the end it will lead to poor results by developing a poor design and a poor design is always expensive because you have to make it again and again. So to avoid these repetitive attempts save your money by booking a graphic designer for the purpose of designing.
  • A graphic designer provides you with high quality visuals which in return will increase your viewer interaction.
  • A company logo, flier, banners and other items of advertisement give strength to a brand which only can be done by graphic designers as they know how to help you out.

Nowadays graphic designer facilities are available online also with the same best quality and no compromise. You only have to send your requirement through emails and they in return fulfill your demand. Kaya Systems ( is one of the reliable sources that are providing graphic designing services. For further details please visit the website.

What are the benefits of hiring a Virtual assistant?

Monday, May 21st, 2018

Before we go into the benefits for hiring a Virtual assistant we should know what this term Virtual Assistant actually means. This term Virtual assistant actually describes a person who is self employed and is available to provide different professional facilities including administrative, creative or technical assistance from an office.

Here we will discuss some points considering the benefits of the Virtual assistant:

  • In case you want a place where you can employ people for your work, Virtual assistants are self employed and they have their own office and you are free from paying any office overhead.
  • You want your people to stay busy. In such cases your hired virtual assistant will do this task for you in different hours but not compulsory to provide you this service full time.
  • A virtual assistant is always affordable then a routine employee who may be not in your budget and can affect the budget necessary for your growth.
  • There may be some task in which you do not want to consume your energy, your virtual assistant can do this so it will save your time and energy and in an economical way your task will be done in the best way.
  • If you are a businessman and you want to expand your business or you want to add up any task but you are not capable to do that your virtual assistant will do it for and it is the headache of your virtual assistant to provide you the service, you should be only concerned that it should be done in the best way.
  • While running a business you have two types of tasks one, which is priority and the other which are less important but they should be seen properly as they can affect your work, in such cases it is best to hire a virtual assistant to do your minor task at affordable charges and you can focus on your more important task.

With the upcoming technology, the concept of virtual assistant is increasing day by day and in almost every field of life whether its education, medical or finance. There are a number of companies who are providing affordable virtual assistant services in their best possible way and with full sincerity to give you the best. Common services provided by virtual assistants include facility of promotion, call center, medical insurances, document preparations, website making, software development and so on.

For more details and services you can visit Kaya Systems (

WordPress and Joomla Development Services

Thursday, January 11th, 2018

Kaya Systems offers WordPress development services to help you promote your business efficiently over the Internet. Whether you need a single website to present your business online or you want to develop a network of blogs and microsites to expand your market reach over the internet, our WordPress development team can provide you with solutions that serve your business objectives. Our development process takes good care of both your technical and marketing requirements. With WordPress, you get a website that is cost-effective, user-friendly, search-engine friendly, easy to extend with plugins and add-ons, easy to integrate with social media and third-party tools. If interested in high quality services, you can Request a Quote for WordPress Development Services. Kaya Systems offers WordPress development services to help you promote your business efficiently over the Internet. Whether you need a single website to present your business online or you want to develop a network of blogs and microsites to expand your market reach over the internet, our WordPress development team can provide you with solutions that serve your business objectives. Our development process takes good care of both your technical and marketing requirements. With WordPress, you get a website that is cost-effective, user-friendly, search-engine friendly, easy to extend with plugins and add-ons, easy to integrate with social media and third-party tools. If interested in high quality services, you can Request a Quote for WordPress Development Services.

WordPress Services

  • Website Development
  • E-Commerce Store
  • Blog Development
  • Theme development
  • Plugin development
  • Plug-In Customization
  • Plug-In Modification & Enhancement
  • WordPress To Joomla Migration

Joomla Development Services

Kaya Systems offers Joomla development services to help you take your business/product online and manage it with great ease. No matter if you need a smaller/simpler or a bigger/more complex website, our Joomla development team can provide you with a solution that present you in the best way possible. Moreover, our development process incorporates all of your marketing and technical requirements to provide you with best output.With Joomla, you get a website that is cost-effective, search-engine friendly, easy to manage contents and users and forms, easy to extend with plugins and add-ons, easy to integrate with social media and third-party tools. If interested in high quality services, you can Request a Quote for Joomla Development Services.

Packages for Website Development Services at Kaya Systems

  • Bronze (5 hours/ week):

This package offers communication via email with dedication of 2 hours a day.

  • Silver (10 hours/ week):

This package offers real time communication with dedication of 4 hours a day. You can enjoy bonus of 4 hours and 15% of rollovers.

  • Gold (20 hours/ week):

This package offers real time communication with dedication of 8 hours a day. You can enjoy bonus of 8 hours and 20% of rollovers.

  • Platinum (40 hours/week):

This package offers real time communication with dedication of 16 hours a day. You can enjoy bonus of 16 hours and 25% of rollovers.

  • Freedom (Pay as you go):

This package offers real time communication with dedication of 8 hours a day.

Search Engine Optimization Services at Kaya Systems

Monday, January 8th, 2018

Search Engine Optimization is a strategy that is designed to promote your business online. Just like the best of the books can lie on the bookshelves of famous bookstores and become a victim of dust and worms year after year, a good website offering the most quality stuff, if not marketed and optimized in the right way, can become a victim of total neglect. We, at Kaya Systems are here to make sure that this does not happen to your business!Search Engine Optimization is a strategy that is designed to promote your business online.Just like the best of the books can lie on the bookshelves of famous bookstores and become a victim of dust and worms year after year, a good website offering the most quality stuff, if not marketed and optimized in the right way, can become a victim of total neglect. We, at Kaya Systems are here to make sure that this does not happen to your business!

With the help of our dedicated team of professionals we guarantee large traffic, high ranking and visibility of your website over the Internet. Whether your online business is international or local, we offer both global and geo based SEO. Through proven SEO strategies our goal is to achieve initial and long-term benefits that include:

Short Term SEO Goals

  • Top Search Ranking
  • Visibility & Exposure
  • High Traffic & Minimum Bounce Rate
  • Domain Authority & Credibility
  • Link Popularity

Long Term SEO Goals

  • Loyal Customers
  • Brand Awareness
  • Sales & Conversions
  • Business Growth

Art of Copywriting isn’t easy to master – however, we at Kaya Systems provide you with concise and clear content that delivers your message through the selection of right words through SEO services. Through unique copywriting techniques, we make sure that the content written on your website grabs the attention of your visitors, stimulates their interest and develops their trust, thus converting them into paying customers. Keeping in mind your clientage, through our creative writing we convert your thoughts into words that sell. Our copywriting services include:

  • Onsite SEO Copywriting
  • Press Release Writing
  • Email Copywriting
  • Newsletters
  • Product Descriptions
  • E-Books
  • Online Brochures & Ads
  • Case Study
  • Slogan Writing
  • Editing & Proofreading

To make sure your website does not drown in the flood of websites over the Internet, you will have to present your product to your customers in the best possible way. However, you needn’t worry about it; leave it to our team of creative copywriters who will narrow your targeted traffic to produce higher sales conversion rates.

Onsite SEO Copywriting

Our services include unique article & blog writing, site content and banner writing. Through our unique selection of content, we will make sure that each dollar you spend on your business pays back.

Press Release Writing

Press Release Writing got some awesome news about your business that you want your new and old customers to know? Various editors and readers will share a good story over the Internet across the globe, hence promoting your business.

Email Copywriting

Through our professional email copywriting service we can build profit for your business by captivating your customers’ attention through convincing emails.


Through newsletters, you can keep the attention of your existing and new customers towards your business. If the newsletter has interesting and useful information, it can produce potential customers out of readers.

Product Descriptions

Do you want catchy descriptions for your products that will grab the attention of the reader and turn them into customers? We will provide you with them.


Nothing can build the trust of your customer better than an e-book. Through our professionally written e-books you can promote your business and build brand loyalty in not time.

Online Brochures & Ads

If you receive a brochure or see an ad on television, either it will attract your attention right away or you will ignore it altogether. Brochure and Ad writing is an art of the selection of right words.

Case Study

Among the most effective ways of promoting your product and gaining the readers trust, one of the best is through a well-written case study. Try our team with that, and we will provide you with the most effective case studies.

Slogan Writing

Wish to say it all in a few words? Let our copywriters write creative and catchy slogans for your business that will promote your business and let your customers know you’re worth it!

Editing & Proofreading

Wish to revamp the content on your page? We can do that for you. Don’t want little mistakes and errors to waver off your visitor’s interest? Our expert editors and proofreaders can assist you.